Animal Shelter Legacy Program – Sample Donation Form

Below is sample animal shelter Legacy Giving and Planned Giving form. Once edited, this content is suitable for a non-profit or animal rescue organization.

[Shelter Name] Legacy Giving Donation Form
Your Legacy of Compassion

Donor Information

Full Name: _______________________________________

Mailing Address: ___________________________________

City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip: _______

Phone Number: _________________________

Email Address: _________________________

Legacy Giving Options                      

Please select your preferred method of legacy giving:

[ ] Bequest in Will or Trust: I have included [Shelter Name] in my will or living trust as follows: [ ] Specific Amount: $_____________ [ ] Percentage of Estate: _________%

[ ] Beneficiary Designation: I have designated [Shelter Name] as a beneficiary of my:

[ ] Life Insurance Policy (Policy Name): ____________________
[ ] Retirement Account (Account Type): ___________________

Confirmation of Legacy Gift

[ ] I have already included [Shelter Name] in my estate plan and would like to notify you of my commitment.

[ ] I intend to include [Shelter Name] in my estate plan, and I would appreciate further information or assistance.

Signature and Date

I understand that this declaration is not legally binding and can be changed at any time. By signing below, I confirm my intent to include [Shelter Name] in my estate plan.

Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________


Privacy Notice

We respect your privacy. Information provided on this form will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of legacy giving documentation.


Contact Information

Please return this form to: [Shelter Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

For any questions or assistance with legacy giving, please contact: [Legacy Giving Coordinator] [Phone Number] [Email Address]

Thank you for your commitment to securing a brighter future for animals through legacy giving.


Download: Animal Shelter Legacy Donation Form [DOC]


This sample Animal Shelter Legacy Donation Form can be customized with your shelter’s specific information and branding. It makes it easy for supporters to express their intent for legacy giving and provides contact details for further assistance.

For more information, visit our Legacy and Planned Giving for Animal Shelters course.

animal shelter letter generator



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